21 - 24 September 2025  –  12th Edition
RICEC, RIYADH, Saudi Arabia
3 - 6 SNovember 2025  –  13th Edition
JCFE, JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia

Indian soft drinks now set to enter gulf markets

Published 2023-08-16 12:53:50

Indian based company 'Swadeshi Food and Beverages' announced that its popular natural and healthy soft drink brand, 'Hana,' will soon be available in the markets of the Gulf countries.


Currently, 'Hana' soft drinks are being exported to major markets in Saudi Arabia, and the company plans to introduce them to the markets of Dubai.

'Hana' has prioritized entering the Gulf countries' market and has already made significant strides in Saudi Arabia. The company aims to reach consumers across all Gulf markets in the coming two months.

Source: Vartha Bharati

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